Cookie Policy

The Data Controller: EMMEPI GROUP S.R.L. uses cookies on this site.

What are Cookies?
Cookies are sets of data that a website sends to the user's terminal (usually the browser) and are stored to be retransmitted during the user's next visit. These can include anonymous tags identifying only the computer, not the user. Some pages on this domain use cookies, including those from third parties, to enhance navigation and profiling activities.

Nature of Cookies:
There are various types of cookies:

  1. Technical Cookies:

    • Navigation or Session Cookies: Ensure normal browsing and use of the website and its services (e.g., to make a purchase or authenticate access to reserved areas).

    • Analytics Cookies: Used directly by the site owner to collect information in aggregated form on the number of users and how they visit the site.

    • Functionality Cookies: Allow navigation according to selected criteria (e.g., language, selected products) to improve the service.

  2. Profiling Cookies:
    These cookies create user profiles and are used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences shown during web browsing. Prior, informed consent from the user is required to use these cookies, which can be given by checking the "yes" or "no" options in the provided table.

Types of Cookies:
Cookies can be installed on the user's terminal either by the site manager being visited (first-party cookies) or by a different entity installing cookies through the first site (third-party cookies). For third-party cookies, the site does not have direct control over the cookies and cannot intervene on them (neither installing nor deleting them). However, users can manage these cookies through the browser settings.

Duration of Cookies:

  • Temporary or Session Cookies: Store temporary information, link actions performed during a specific session, and are removed when the browser is closed.

  • Permanent Cookies: Store information, such as login name and password, to avoid re-entering them each visit. They remain on the computer even after closing the browser.

Cookies Installed on This Site:
A list of cookies present on this site is provided below, classified by type and duration:

TypeNameDuration (days)DescriptionTechnicalPHPSESSIDSession-basedIdentifies the browsing session.Profilingk4TokenEC-Creates a unique browser token to understand customer interests.

For the use of profiling cookies, prior and specific user consent is required, which can be expressed and modified at any time using the options in the table above. For technical cookies, prior user consent is not required. However, disabling them may hinder website navigation and functionality.

Managing Cookies:
Users can express their preferences on cookie use through browser settings. Here are the instructions for managing cookies in commonly used browsers:

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